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06/12/2014 Comments (0) Views: 8169 Lexicons and handbooks, Resources

Jung Lexicon by Daryl Sharp

From the Preface:

C. G. Jung died in 1961, without ever having presented a systematic summary of his psychology. For the past thirty years his ideas have been explained, explored and amplified by thousands of others, with varying results.

Jung Lexicon takes the reader to the source. It was designed for those seeking an understanding of relevant terms and concepts as they were used by Jung himself. There are choice extracts from Jung’s Collected Works, but no references to other writers.

Jung Lexicon is not a critique or a defence of Jung’s thoughts, but a guide to its richness and an illustration of the broad scope and interrelationship of his interests. Informed by a close reading of Jung’s major writings, Jung Lexicon contains a comprehensive overview of the basic principles of Jungian psychology. The implications and practical application of Jung’s ideas are well covered by other volumes in this series.

Daryl Sharp

Read „Jung Lexicon” at The Jung Page

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