Jung-Neumann Letters Conference – the visual, the emotional, the...

Jung-Neumann Letters Conference – the history, memories and relationships

25/04/2015 Comments (0) Views: 5157 Asia, Conferences, Conferences reports, Events, Events type, Events venues, Jung-Neumann Letters Conference 2015

Jung-Neumann Letters Conference – the discovery of Erich Neumann’s paintins

Participants of Jung-Neumann Conference had a unique possibiity to be first to watch the collection of Erich Neumann paintings which we were presented on Friday conference day by professor Tamar Kron. Neumann’s pictures are a true mystery – the date of creation of them is not known, as he had a bad habit of not dating his works. Even dates of some of the letters published in Analytical Psychology in Exile: The Correspondence of C. G. Jung and Erich Neumann  needed to be deduced from their content.

From the memories of Erich Neumann son, Micha, we know that Neumann often painted, he had a custom of  painting scenes from the Bible for his children every Friday and watching the pictures with them. But the pictures that we had a possibility to watch during the Conference are much more mysterius . Painted in watercolors they seem to present some scenes and figures which meaning we can only try to imagine. The main theme seems to be the Feminine, which seem to connect to Neumann’s works on the Feminine, some prensent animals, there are also several that seem to refer  in symbolism to the Holocaust. The pictures may contain images coming from Neumann’s dreams or visions but their true origin is not known.

Malgorzata Kalinowska
Jungian analyst Editor-In-Chief

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The Jung-Neumann Letters – A Book Launch and International Conference, Israel 2015

The Long awaited publication of the Correspondence between C. G. Jung and Erich Neumann, the Jung-Neumann Letters edited by Martin Liebscher, were published March 2015 by Princeton University Press. To mark this important event an international conference is being held jointly sponsored by The Foundation for the Works of C. G. Jung, the Neumann family, The Philemon Foundation, the International Association of Analytical Psychology, and The Israel Institute of Jungian Psychology. The invited speakers will present recent discoveries and new perspectives pertaining to the correspondence, the relationship between Jung and Neumann, and the broad range issues they discussed. The conference takes place in Kibbutz Shefayim, 20 minutes north of Tel Aviv, the home of Erich Neumann.

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