A Jungian Understanding of Crop Circles

Exploring Holotropic Breathwork with Jungian Analyst Monika Wikman

03/06/2015 Comments (0) Views: 9700 Podcasts

Marion Woodman – Chrysalis: The Psychology of Transformation

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Toronto analyst Marion Woodman explores the body/spirit relationship, the withdrawing of projection, gender issues, and the surrender of the ego to the Self as these themes relate to personal transformation.

Listen at Jungianthology Podcast website

Marion WoodmanMarion Woodman

Marion Woodman, LLD, DHL, PhD, is a Jungian Analyst, teacher and author of The Owl Was a Baker’s Daughter; Addiction to Perfection; The Pregnant Virgin; The Ravaged Bridegroom; Leaving My Father’s House; Conscious Femininity; Dancing in the Flames (with Elinor Dickson); Coming Home to Myself (with Jill Mellick); The Forsaken Garden: Four Conversations on the Deep Meaning of Environmental Illness, Marion Woodman, Ross Woodman, Sir Laurens van der Post, and Thomas Berry, edited by Nancy Ryley; The Maiden King (with Robert Bly); and Bone-Dying Into Life. A visionary in her own right, Marion Woodman has worked with the analytical psychology of C.G. Jung in an original and creative way. She is the former Chair of the Marion Woodman Foundation.

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