C. G. Jung

Dr. Erel Shalit Lecture: Jerusalem: City of Angels, City...

17/08/2014 Comments (0) Views: 5310 Resources, Videos

Official trailer – „Ensoulment”

Ensoulment is a film that brings about a unique perspective on the psyche. With incredible personalities such as Dr. James HollisDr. Abigail Disney or Rev. Dr. Serene Jones, and amazing academics like Dr. Cynthia EllerDr. Anne Fausto-Sterling (among many others), we bring you the animated story of filmmaker Lorís Simón as she embarks on a journey in search of meaning, belonging and the path back to her true self.

From the theories of C.G. Jung, this film will explore the feminine principle in present day Western society. What is the feminine? The feminine is a group of genderless characteristics related to emotions, intuition, creativity, receptiveness, nurturance, etc… expressions that we tend to push aside in order to give space to reason, logical thinking, structure. Ensoulment tells a story that proposes recovering the feminine without losing the masculine. We need both to be whole, to be happy and to be fulfilled.

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