3rd European Conference in Analytical Psychology, Trieste, Italy –...

3rd European Conference for Analytical Psychology – report

09/08/2015 Comments (1) Views: 55780 2015 - Trieste, Books

A Book Launch – From Tradition to Innovation Jungian Analysts Working in Different Cultural Settings

During the coming 3rd European Conference on Analytical Psychology in Trieste, Italy, we will have the pleasure to participate in the book launch of From Tradition to Innovation: Jungian Analysts Working in Different Cultural Settings, edited by Catherine Crowther and Jan Wiener and published by Spring Publications Inc. The book launch will take place on Friday 28th August from 18:30-19:15.

See the conference info

The book has sixteen chapters and gives a fascinating account of the wide variety of experiences of Jungian analysts working in different cultures across the world – for example in Russia, China, Poland, Lithuania, South Africa and Mexico. The contributors describe and reflect on their experiences both of offering and receiving training within these cross-cultural professional partnerships. The book shows the expansion of distance learning models in analytical psychology, in particular in so-called “shuttle” programs which have been developed by analysts travelling widely over the past 20 years under the auspices of the International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP).  The authors give detailed accounts from both sides of the mutual encounters and challenges between different cultures, often coloured by recent history including social trauma.

This is a book not only about training but is also an enlightening cultural commentary for our times. The powerful bi-directionality of cultural influence and discovery is apparent in different ways in every chapter. By locating new training programs not in long-established institutions but within developing groups in other cultures, traditional models of training have been challenged by different therapeutic environments. Often this has led to imaginative, innovative ways of learning – as vividly detailed in the chapters. It also prompts a necessary re-appraisal of which concepts feel to be essential to the core values of our Jungian practice and which show an outdated adherence to culture-bound attitudes.

The publication of this book is a timely reminder that when psychoanalysis and Jungian analysis as we know it is floundering in some Western countries, new projects in countries seeking to develop an analytic culture give hope for sustaining our professional practice.  This book contains the voices of both seasoned and recently qualified analysts, well-known and new authors. The contributors come from nine countries including Russia, Poland, Israel, the UK, the USA, Lithuania, Germany, Switzerland and Italy. Editors participated in the book with Chapter 9 – Influenced, Changed, or Transformed? Reflections on Moments of Meeting, which is a reflection on their experience of transcultural setting of training from both a trainee and a teacher perspective.

See Publisher’s website for more info and table of contents

Editors’ Bios:

Catherine CrowtherCatherine Crowther is a Training Analyst for the Society of Analytical Psychology (SAP) in private practice in London. She worked for many years as a psychiatric social worker, family therapist, and psychotherapist in adolescent and adult mental health services in the UK’s National Health Service. She was past chair of the SAP’s adult analytic Training Committee and is involved in supervision and teaching in the UK and in Eastern Europe. With Jan Wiener, she was joint organiser of the Russian Revival Project, 1996–2010, an IAAP programme for the clinical and academic training of Jungian analysts in Russia. She was also a teacher and supervisor of clinical work in St. Petersburg throughout that time. She has contributed articles and chapters on analytical psychology on subjects such as silence, fairy tales, moments of meeting, cross-cultural exchange, eating disorders, supervision, and training.

Jan WienerJan Wiener is a Training Analyst and Supervisor for the Society of Analytical Psychology in London. She is currently Director of Training. She was Vice-President of the International Association for Analytical Psychology from 2010–2013 where she was Co-Chair of their Education Committee with particular responsibility for Developing Groups in Analytical Psychology in Eastern Europe. Together with Catherine Crowther, she organised a programme of academic and clinical teaching in Russia and has been involved in teaching and supervising clinical work in St. Petersburg since 1996. She has taught internationally for many years, and is the author of chapters and papers on subjects such as transference, supervision, training, and ethics. She is also author of three books. The most recent, The Therapeutic Relationship: Transference, Countertransference and the Making of Meaning was published by Texas A&M University Press in 2009.

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