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03/04/2016 Comments (0) Views: 8562 Jungian Journals articles, Online journals articles, Uncategorized

ARAS Connections: Image and Archetype – 2016 Issue 1

As we can find out from the first 2016 issue of ARAS Connections, the second phase of the ARAS-Artstor project has been completed. It means that ARAS collection can be accessed for free at museums, libraries and universities across USA!

In this Spring issue of ARAS Connections you will find an article by Virginia Beane Rutter Saffron offering and Blood Sacrifice…which regards women’s initiation rites reflected in an ancient imagery of Akrotiri in Santorini, Greece. The paper hardly needs any recommendation, given Virginia’s status of an expert thinker both in the field of women’s initiation and of the archetypal patterns in Ancient Greek culture. Tom Singer in his praise describes this papers as „spectacular piece of scholarship„.

Besides you will also find there a series of pictures by the Italian photographer Lorenzo Scaramella with archetypal commentary by Deborah Wesley, on the theme of Dionysus.

Explore the new issue of ARAS Connections at the link below.

The first 2016 issue of ARAS Connections

 ARASlogo7What is ARAS?

The Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism (ARAS) is a pictorial and written archive of mythological, ritualistic, and symbolic images from all over the world and from all epochs of human history. The collection probes the universality of archetypal themes and provides a testament to the deep and abiding connections that unite the disparate factions of the human family.

The ARAS archive contains about 17,000 photographic images, each cross-indexed, individually mounted, and accompanied by scholarly commentary.  The commentary includes a description of the image with a cultural history that serves to place it in its unique historical and geographical setting.  Often it also includes an archetypal commentary that brings the image into focus for its modern psychological and symbolic meaning, as well as a bibliography for related reading and a glossary of technical terms.

The ARAS commentaries honor both the universal patterns and specific cultural context associated with each image, something seldom found in other collections.

Keywords, extracted from approximately 46,000 catalogue subject cards, help users explore archetypal themes of interest to them.

The images and commentaries in ARAS have been collected over a 80-year period (read more about the history of ARAS).

ARAS website

„The Book of Symbols” published by ARAS

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