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22/05/2016 Comments (0) Views: 6189 Podcasts, Resources

Confronting Signs of a Society in Decline – Interview with Chris Hedges

Another interesting conversation by Bonnie Bright from Depth Psychology Alliance. This is a recording of an interview with Chris Hedges, M.Div., who is a journalist and an author of many books. He has been invited to speak at the Pacifica 40th Anniversary celebration Conference entitled: Climates of Change and the Therapy of Ideas which took place recently.

In this interview they talk about the situation of the global society in transitional times. It seems like an important voice in the arena of recognition of the modern collective shadow. Bonnie in her presentation of Hedges writes:

He has been described, more than once, as being “dark,” which, from a depth psychological perspective, I’m quick to assure him, is actually a compliment. Depth psychology insists we look under the surface and in the margins of things in order to better understand them, and then requires that we witness and hold what we find in spite of the darkness from which we might easily prefer to flee. Chris appears to take this in stride: recognizing and carrying the knowledge that contemporary society is facing its own morbidity, in some ways, has fallen squarely on his shoulders.”

Confronting Signs of a Society in Decline

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