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the book of symbols

10/12/2014 Comments (0) Views: 6124 Analysts articles on the Web, Newspapers and magazine articles

Eating The Book of Symbols – Tom Singer for Huffington Post

By Huffington Post

The article by Thomas Singer about the publication of The Book of Symbols by The Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism (ARAS) and Tashen. The article was published in Huffington Post in December 2010.

From the article:

The publication of The Book of Symbols: Reflections on Archetypal Images is the child of an unlikely marriage between ARAS, a hidden gem of an archive, with Taschen, the daring and brilliant world wide publisher of fine art books. The union of ARAS and Taschen is not so strange when one realizes that both organizations are passionate about depth and beauty. Each is willing to spend the time, money, and human energy to bring a unique vision into the world. The result is a gorgeous bargain of a book which follows in the ground breaking tradition of C.G. Jung’s Man and His Symbols.

For most of its seventy five year history, branches of what is now known as ARAS (The Archives for Research in Archetypal Symbolism) have pursued its mission in relative obscurity, hidden away in the filing cabinets of a handful of Jungian Institutes. A few years ago, ARAS created ARAS Online by digitizing its collection of 17,000 images and 90,000 pages of cultural and psychological commentary. ARAS Online and its free quarterly ARAS Connections offer stunning public access to the archive. The Book of Symbols is the newest and richest offering of ARAS which is now sharing its treasures and wisdom with the world. The publication of the book represents the culmination of a fourteen year effort by a large team of collaborators who were led by Ami Ronnberg and Kathleen Martin. (…)

According to C. G. Jung „psyche is image” and The Book of Symbols is all about the evocative power of images to move us in profound and mysterious ways. Most books of symbols manage to kill the symbol by reducing it to simplistic equations. The Book of Symbols moves in just the opposite direction by allowing the living symbol to shine through poetic evocations of beautifully chosen images. It follows the lead of Eckhart who taught us that „When the soul wants to experience something she throws out an image in front of her and then steps into it.” 

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Read about „The Book of Symbols”

Tom SingerThomas Singer

Thomas Singer, M.D. is a psychiatrist and Jungian psychoanalyst with particular interests in contemporary political and social movements. He has written and/or edited several books including the newly published Psyche & the City: A Soul’s Guide to the Modern Metropolis (Analytical Psychology & Contemporary Cul) (editor) which has been published by Spring Book Publications, The Cultural Complex: Contemporary Jungian Perspectives on Psyche and Society (co-edited with Sam Kimbles), The Vision Thing: Myth, Politics and Psyche in the WorldWho’s the Patient Here? (with Stu Copans, M.D.), A Fan’s Guide to Baseball Fever: The Official Medical Reference (with Stu Copans, M.D.), Placing Psyche: Exploring Cultural Complexes in Australia, and Listening to Latin America: Exploring Cultural Complexes in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Uruguay, and Venezuela.

See more articles by Tom Singer in Huffington Post

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