Encounters, Traditions, Developments:
Analysis at the Cultural Crossroads
Following the success of the first two European conferences in Vilnius and St Petersburg, we are pleased to invite proposals for the third conference to be held in the beautiful north-eastern Italian city and seaport of Trieste, lying between the Adriatic Sea and Slovenia.
The conference will consider the influence of culture on analysis today and its effects on patients, professionals, social groups and organisations. Proposals of not more than 400 words are invited for papers and panels relevant to the conference theme including proposals of work across cultures with children and adolescents. The conference will include small group discussions and a social dreaming matrix.
Themes may include:
- understanding cultural and ethnic identity
- addressing issues concerning the social, cultural and political influences on clinical practice
- culture and trauma
- analysis with children and adolescents in a cultural context
- teaching and training across cultures
- personal analysis: face to face, shuttle and Skype?
Please send your proposals to Jan Wiener, Chair of the Programme Committee, at jan.wiener@virgin.net and Pramila Bennett, Organising Committee, at pramilabennett@btinternet.com by Monday 8th November 2014 at the very latest.
The website for the conference is www.jungianconferences.com.
Programme Committee: Anna Benvenuti (CIPA, AGAP); Gerhard Burda (OGAP); Olivia del Castillo (SEPA); Grazina Gudaite (LAAP); Malgorzata Kalinowska (PAJA), Lev Khegai (RSAP), Gianni Nagliero (AIPA); Batya Brosh Palmoni (IIJP); Gert Sauer (DGAP) Murray Stein (SGAP, AGAP), Jan Wiener (SAP, Chair); Marianne Mueller (SGAP, IAAP)
Organising Committee: Alessandra de Coro (AIPA, Co-Chair), Angiola Iapoce (CIPA, Co- Chair),Pramila Bennett (Conference Organiser), Irene Agnello (CIPA), Grazia Cerbo (AIPA), Tine Papic (IM Slovenia), Francesca Picone (CIPA), Jelena Sladojevic-Matic (IM Serbia), Elena Volodina (RSAP),Angela Connolly (IAAP Vice- President, Co-Ordinator)
With sponsorship from the IAAP, FAJP, AIPA & CIPA