Journal of Analytical Psychology 60th Anniversary Event
Reflections on Jungian Clinical Practice: from then till now
Proposals are invited
Closing Date: 15 November 2014
The info from Organizers:
To mark this 60th anniversary the Journal will be holding a weekend event here in London (Friday evening to Sunday lunchtime). Unlike our well-established international four day conferences, this event will be non-residential. Nevertheless our loyal supporters from around the world – perhaps especially from the US, Australia, Japan, Russia and of course the rest of Europe – would be most welcome, not least because this event is intended as a celebration of that community of spirit fostered by the Journal of which they are such an important part. For those new to the Journal, and to the vision of analytical psychology which it represents, this would be an ideal introduction.
The plenary presentations will be by invited authors closely associated with the Journal: the programme will be arranged so that each will choose a paper from one of the earlier decades of the Journal’spublication – the 60’s, 70’s & 80’s – that they feel has had a seminal influence. So these will not just be retrospective appreciations but accounts of how the original impetus from that paper continues to inform that presenter’s own clinical practice. The later decades – the 90’s & 2000’s – will be covered in smaller group parallel break-out sessions, though the presentations will follow this same model. A final plenary on the Sunday morning will address the future of Jungian psychology, taking a recent paper as the starting point.
Details of the full programme will be posted in the autumn, together with the papers to be discussed by the presenters. There will be lots of room in the programme for contributions so those attending are encouraged to read the papers beforehand, though this is entirely optional. In the spirit of an anniversary celebration we have chosen a venue with in-house catering of high quality (the Friday evening reception and Saturday lunch are all included in the conference fee), and we will be getting things underway with a tea party & slice of Journal 60th birthday cake to greet you on arrival at registration. We are anticipating that this gathering of both established Journal followers and those just interested in exploring further what the Journal has to offer will be a popular and memorable one-off event.