Call for papers – 2015 JSSS Conference, “On Nature and the Feminine: Psychological and Cultural Reflections”

Presented by:

Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies

Jung observed,

“Archetypes are systems of readiness for action, and at the same time
images and emotions. . . . The psychic influence of the earth and its laws is seen most
clearly in these primordial images”

(CW10, par. 53).

A note from organizers:

With these words in mind the Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies and the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta invite you to participate in the 13th conference of JSSS entitled On Nature & the Feminine: Psychological & Cultural Reflections, held in Edmonton, Alberta, from June 11-13, 2015.

Drawing upon echoes of past conference themes (Psyche and Society 2013, Affect and Action 2012) and moved further by their dynamism, we call for imaginative kinds of address of current local and global concerns related to ‘Nature’ and the ‘Feminine,’ in their many and varied manifestations. Highlighting one aspect common to both – the relational – we ask in what ways might we meet the challenges of the effects of excessive reliance upon reason on culture, education, ecology, politics and economics, as they intersect psychologically with nature and the feminine? Too often reliance upon rationalization, and its privileging of specialization and perfection, has led to a loss of feeling, meaning and value; indeed, it has led to a loss of relations with self, place and the potentialities of being connected to something greater than the individual. We call upon creative and critical engagement with analytic psychology so to explore its power of connectivity and its nuanced ways of conjoining what might be seen as contradictory even unrelated elements and in so doing imagine new and sustainable configurations.

on 30 grudnia | by

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