Presented by
The Asheville Jung Center
In a webinar Imelda Gaudissart will discuss how she was enticed to write about Emma Jung. Emma, being the wife of a widely published and controversial genius, she was so far lacking recognition. Imelda had to answer a very insistent call from Emma Jung. A difficult mission, given the very discreet and carefully managed cover extended by her family and the apparently unglamorous destiny she accepted to accomplish next to her brilliant husband. Imelda considers that throwing light and understanding on Emma Jung’s life was long overdue, particularly at a time when women all over the world are claiming a rightful recognition for their contribution to humanity.
Imelda Gaudissart has a master’s in psychopathology and has been a Jungian analyst for more than thirty years. She is the coauthor, with her husband Pierre, of a new translation of the I Ching. Married and head of a large family, she lives in Tours, on the Loire Valley.