„So what do we want? To silence the conceptual noise of psychological Jargon and create an atmosphere in which moments speak to us on their own terms and we answer back in ours.James Hillman – „We’ve Had a Hundred Years of Psychotherapy – And the World’s Getting Worse”
Our modern world is paradoxical. It is becoming more and more a place without boundaries, where everyday communication is global and instantaneous. In the same time, there is less and less space to experience oneself in the world – to begin with for the simplest sensations in the body and basic emotions. Things “imagined” become a synonym for “unreal”. Imagination, which used to be capable of connecting experiences with their meaning, is becoming an appendant; something locked in the “immaturity” of the infantile period of life. Consequently, life is being devoid of its purpose and wider meaning, something beyond the domain of everyday chores. And worse still, that apparently perfect modern organization of life often leads individuals to identity crises and to experiences of burnout and internal emptiness.
- How do we then nowadays organize our everyday experience?
- How do we find its meaning? And can we experience its emergent meaning?
- How do we experience ourselves on everyday basis? What do we feel when we say “this is me”?
- What is the relationship between everyday life and internal experience?
- Does the modern psychology has anything to say about it beyond diagnosing psychological disorders and fixing the ways of their removal?
During that workshop we will be searching for answers to those and many other questions, starting with basic bodily experiences and with imagination, searching for their expression through conscious spontaneity – working with authentic movement, drawing, active imagination and social dreaming, all of which will take place in the beautiful surroundings of Biebrzanski National Park.
Participation is open to all individuals, regardless of personal paths and professional background. Please take with you for this journey one personal item that came to mind while you were reading this invitation.
Małgorzata Kalinowska, MA (IAAP IM, PTPJ)
Małgorzata is an individual and group therapist in private practice. After completion of the training in International Association for Analytical Psychology IAAP) she became a certified Jungian psychoanalyst. For many years she has been leading a Jungian analytic therapy group for women. In the past she worked as a group therapist in Psychiatric Center in Katowice. Malgorzata is a teacher in the first level of analytical training in the Polish Association for Jungian Analysis. She is interested in the impact of culture and collective experiences upon everyday life, and in the historical trauma in particular. She is publishing in this area and also translates English analytical literature into Polish (the most recently „Alchemy. An Introduction to the Symbolism and Psychology” by Marie-Louise von Franz). She is co-founder and the Editor in Chief of e-jungian.com. More information at: www.psychoterapiajung.pl
Tomasz J. Jasiński, MA (IAAP IM, PTPJ)
Tomek is a Jungian analyst in private practice in Warsaw and in World Wide Web. He studied philosophy at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, clinical psychology at the Warsaw University, at the California Institute for Integral Studies in San Francisco and the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology (now Sofia University) in Palo Alto, California. He trained as a Jungian analyst at International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP) and the C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco. Tomek is working in individual therapy with children and adults, using also Sandplay Therapy. He is interested in the spiritual aspects in developmental processes and in psychological healing, and also in the place of traumatic experiences and post-traumatic disorders in those processes. For a number of years he is a teacher in the first level of psychoanalytic training in the Polish Association for Jungian Analysis. Information: www.english.tomaszjasinski.pl
This workshop will take place in the Agritourist Center “Agroturystyka u Ani” in Poland (www.ciszewo.pl) on August 14-16 2015 (Friday – Sunday). We will start at 5pm on Friday and finish at 2pm on Sunday.
Workshop fee is 500 PLN.
Accomodation costs (to be paid individually on-site):
- 80 PLN for two nights in a double or three-person room with bathroom
- 80-100 PLN for food (depending on the early dinner choice on Sunday, after the closing).
This covers breakfasts and dinners. There are refrigerators available for guests to keep their own food as well.
Registration by e-mail (contact@e-jungian.com) of telephone (+48 607 548 730) together with deposit payment of 50% of workshop fee (250 PLN) until August 5th 2015 via money transfer:
Tomasz Jasiński, PKO SA
Account no: 37 1240 1066 1111 0000 0007 5431
For international transfers:
- IBAN NO: PL 37 1240 1066 1111 0000 0007 5431
NOTE: Due to the character of the workshop group will be limited to 15 participants. Registration will be done in order of received declarations. This group is meant to be international and as such may be bi-lingual (Polish-English).