By The Society of Analytical Psychology
The supervisory dynamic involves at least 3 participants, the supervisor, the supervisee and the ‘absent’ patient and involves external and internal dialogues to enable clinical understanding and clinical work to develop. Becoming a supervisor requires engaging with these dynamics and the development of the capacity to parallel process multidimensional issues. Jung pursued an interest in the dynamics of dimensionality and his concept of the transcendent function and his exploration of the ‘problem of the fourth’ are examples of this. Jung’s ideas and theories provide a framework from which to consider the importance of the third, the problem of the fourth and the dynamics of the fifth in supervision. This workshop will open out these perspectives of supervision and of how consideration of multidimensional ways of thinking provides a creative framework to understand and work with the supervisee and the unconscious communication and the internal world of the patient.
Dr. Christine Driver is an SAP Training Analyst. She is Director of Training at WPF Therapy and teaches, supervises and works in private practice. She has written and co-edited Supervising Psychotherapy (Sage 2002), Supervision and the Analytic Attitude (Whurr 2005) and Being and Relating in Psychotherapy. Ontology and Therapeutic Practice (Palgrave 2013).
Vernon Yorke is a Training and Supervising analyst of the SAP. He teaches and supervises for the SAP and for WPF Therapy and works in private practice. He has written a chapter called 'Bion’s 'Vertex' as a Supervisory Object' in Supervision and the Analytic Attitude (Whurr 2005).
Tea and Coffee will be served