Analytical Psychology in Exile: The Correspondence of C. G....

C.G. Jung: The Solar Myths and Opicinus de Canistris

16/04/2015 Comments (0) Views: 6173 Books

Love and Sacrifice: The Life of Emma Jung

  • Hardcover: 216 pages
  • Publisher: Chiron Publications (September 15, 2014)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1630510866
  • ISBN-13: 978-1630510862

This is the book that is long-awaited. As Tome Kelly, the past president of IAAP, wrote in his review: „The importance of Emma Jung in the life of C. G. Jung has often been either taken for granted or underestimated, and her rightful place in the history of analytical psychology has rarely been given serious consideration”. Even though included in any serious biography of C.G. Jung, her image still would be more of the wife of the famous man, in one way or another. Perhaps Imelda Gaudissart’s portrayal of Emma Jung is the first monograph depicting her life and work not without connection to her husband and his circle of collaborators and relationships, but with looking at her on her own rights.

As we read in another review: „This is a story about the amazing varieties of love in this world—always combined, sooner or later, with some sort of a pain but always stronger in the end. Beyond therapists and historians of psychology, this book serves all who want to grow, but who are sometimes frustrated by the trials of life. Emma’s achievements have so much to teach us.”

What is most often fascinating is the complex relationship between Emma, Carl, Sabina and Toni. But beyond that dimension of the story there is another one, in which Emma worked closely with her husband, C. G. Jung, and Sigmund Freud, becoming herself an analyst, and she was instrumental in establishing the earliest institutions for analytical psychology.


Love and Sacrifice: The Life of Emma Jung

Listen to the conversation with Imelda Gaudissart


Imelda Gaudissart was born in Belgium and she received her B.S. in psychiatric nursing there. She then emmigrated to USA and studied at MIT. Upon return to Eruope she recevied she studied psychoanalysis and psychopathology at the Unversity in Paris, France. In the same time she trained as a Jungian analyst at Paris Jungian Institute.

She has been a Jungian analyst for more than thirty years. She is the coauthor, with her husband Pierre, of a new translation of the I Ching. Married and head of a large family, she lives in Tours, on the Loire Valley.



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