ARAS Connections: Image and Archetype – 2015 Issue 3

Seminal papers: Archetypal foundations of projective identification by Nathan...

11/11/2015 Comments (0) Views: 4993 Articles, Online journals articles

Revaz Korinteli – Psychotherapy in Georgia: Past, Present and Future

Georgia is one of the countries where IAAP Routers Programme is taking place. In the article presented today Revaz Korinteli, IAAP Individual Member, describes the social, political and economic conditions influencing psychotherapy in post-soviet Georgia. Collective phenomenas and trauma that is its result on the cultural level influence all the areas of the social life. Here Revaz Korinteli reflects on the history of psychotherapy in Georgia in the soviet times, its character and further development, soviet and post-soviet mentality and the dimensions of socio-economic traumas. In current state of psychotherapy he emphasizes its paternalistic models, nostalgia for the past and materialistic worldview. He also postulates the necessary steps that are needed to bring the theory and practice closer to Western standards.

It is an interesting article for all interested in the structure and the dynamic of the post-traumatic situation on the collective level. It also opens up the interesting field for further discussion in the situation when „Western standards” are often the subject of the critical discussion in the Western psychotherapy culture when it comes to the future of the psychotherapy development (among others tensions between different schools, the character of certifications etc.). It seems that the field between insightful analysis of the post-traumatic situation offers also important point of view on the psychotherapy in globalization era.

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Revaz Korinteli – Psychotherapy in Georgia: Past, Present and Future, European Scientific Journal, December 2013

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