Ladson Hinton & Hessel Willemsen [eds.] – Temporality and...

04/09/2018 Comments (0) Views: 4118 Books

Robert Tyminski – „Male Alienation at the Crossroads of Identity, Culture and Cyberspace”


  • Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (August 3, 2018)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1138065404
  • ISBN-13: 978-1138065406

„I’m broken.” When a boy or man says this, he is expressing deep alienation from himself and the world.

We are recommending a new book by Robert Tyminski,  a Jungian analyst and psychotherapist.

In this book the author is looking at the male psyche in all stages of development. He is exploring the reasons for internal suffering of contemporary men and ways of engaging them in a healing relationship.

As we can read in the publisher’s note: „The book examines compulsive internet use, flawed concepts of masculinity, difficulties with mutually intimate relationships, trouble showing emotions, and identity issues, as well as the role of fathers, with a focus on the types of fathers that many boys and men describe as being difficult. Tyminski provides various practical ideas about working with boys and men to encourage them to be open to their inner worlds, and emphasizes a contrast between having meaningful contacts or having a merely transactional approach to relating.”.

See „Male alienation…” at Routledge


Robert Tyminski, MD

Robert Tyminski is in private practice in San Francisco where he maintains a general psychotherapy and Jungian analytic practice. He works with adults dealing with career change, creative obstacles, work stress, and major life transitions. He is a certified adult and child Jungian psychoanalyst.

Dr. Tyminski has a doctoral degree in mental health from the University of California at San Francisco. He continues to teach there in the Department of Psychiatry. He has an M.B.A. degree from the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley where he concentrated on the management of non-profit organizations. Dr. Tyminski has taught numerous graduate students since 1986 with a focus on human development and relationships. He is licensed as a psychologist in California.

Recent publications by Dr. Tyminski include: „Lost for words: difficulty expressing feelings in work with three adolescent boys” (Journal of Child Psychotherapy), “Medea, Jason, and their illusions of the Golden Fleece: a Jungian contribution to transference dreaming” (International Journal of Jungian Studies), “Fleeced: A perspective from antiquity on contemporary addictions” (Jung Journal: Culture and Psyche), “The impact of group psychotherapy on social development in children with pervasive developmental disorders” (International Journal of Group Psychotherapy), & “The week the couch arrived” (Journal of Analytical Psychology).

Read more about Robert Tyminski


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