Speaking of Jung Episode 14: George Hogenson

The Father’s Anima as a Clinical and Symbolic Problem...

14/04/2016 Comments (0) Views: 5831 Podcasts, Resources

Spirit, Soul, and the Secular – Interview with Thomas Moore

This is another conversation by Bonnie Bright, a graduate of Pacifica Institute and a founder of Depth Psychology Alliance. We have a recording of an interview Bonnie did with Thomas Moore, Ph.D., who is a psychotherapist and a former monk, lecturing on psychotherapy, religion, spirituality and the arts.

It is an interesting conversation about the Jungian perspective on the spiritual and the soul, including the tradition of Jung and James Hillman. In his thought Thomas Moore also cites authors like Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Spirit, Soul, and the Secular

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