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23/10/2015 Comments (0) Views: 53782 Blogs updates

Tasha Tollman’s review of World Weary Woman by Cara Baker

Inner City Books Blog

living in my head, leaves the rest of me dead”

A World Weary Woman: Her Wound and Transformation by Cara Baker speaks about a woman whose characteristic response to stress is to struggle to achieve. However, she feels little joy in the process, suffering a disconnection from her feminine body wisdom and her creativity. Her task is to find a way of living authentically that allows her to express what awakens her heart. The provisional life exhausts her and she knows it. Thus she must detach from who she has been, in order to discover who she is meant to be.

 “From my first meetings with World Weary Woman, it was clear that she could work. She could analyze, psychologize. But she had not learned how to play… It is in pausing to connect with her own inner wisdom that World Weary Woman learns to create…to cultivate what brings joy, to savour her connection with cosmos. Thus she transforms her suffering through a sacred return to creative living…Little by little, World Weary Woman discovers that living vibrantly is a creative process, an intimate experience whereby she becomes fully known.”

Cara Baker

Check the Inner City Books Blog for the review of the World Weary Woman.

The fragment of the review:

This book brought a new level of consciousness into my life and has shown me how “living in my head, leaves the rest of me dead”; it has provided me with a compassionate understanding of my wounds and of my journey; it has brought a new found sense of belonging in the world and of self-acceptance, has opened up the possibility of creating without attachment to the outcome and the greatest gift of all a question that now guides my life: “What does creative living require of my today?” If you are world weary this is the book for you. Till next time, I wish you an adventure in creative living!

Tasha Tollman

Read the full review

See the book

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