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15/08/2014 Comments (0) Views: 8787 Analysts articles on the Web, Resources

Walking in the Footsteps of Eranos by Bob Hinshaw, Paul Kugler

Walking in the Footsteps of Eranos and Eranos and Jungian Psychology: A History in Images, presented at Barcelona IAAP Congres in 2004 constitute an unforgettable journey through the history of Eranos meetings. Historical information are accompanied with rare photos giving a sense of passion for knowledge and communality.

From the introduction to Walking in the Footsteps of Eranos by Robert Hinshaw:

“Eranos, landscape on the lake, garden and house. Unpretentious, out of the way, and yet … a navel of the world, a small link in the golden chain.”


These are the words of Erich Neumann: philosopher, psychiatrist, friend of C.G. Jung, participant at the Eranos Conferences for many years. With the chain, Neumann alludes to the alchemicalAurea Caténa – a link of wise beings, inspired by the force of Hermes Trismegistos, connecting heaven and earth.


Another Eranos speaker, I Ching scholar Hellmut Wilhelm, once epitomized Eranos with the words of Confucius: “Friends gather at a well-tended place and together they prepare a pathway … for humanity.”


As we can hear, tremendous admiration is being expressed for the phenomenon known as Eranos; also tremendous aspiration and ambition – fertile ground for the workings of the shadow, as time would tell.

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