Edwin Steinmann – Grace in a Wintry Season

Dream Theatres of the Soul by Jean Raffa

04/02/2016 Comments (0) Views: 4467 Books

Jacob & Esau… by Erich Neumann now available!

The book „Jacob and Essau: On the Collective Symbolism of thre Brother Motif„, announced for pre-order in November 2015 is now available. We would like to remind you of this anticipated publication which is very important with regard to the history of analytical psychology. The book is available both in hardcover and paperback, as well as in e-book Kindle edition.

As was already indicated before, this volume marked by the name of the author himself, Erich Neumann, the translator Mark Kyburz and the editor and author of an introduction, Erel Shalit, promises an exciting and thought-provoking reading.

Jacob & Esau: On the Collective Symbolism of the Brother Motif

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