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13/03/2016 Comments (0) Views: 8578 Books

An Orphan’s Odyssey by Rose-Emily Rothenberg

Not long time ago we referred you to the audio recording of an interview with Rose-Emily Rothenberg on the well-known Shrink Rap Radio.

Today we recommend her book: An Orphan’s Odyssey, Sacred Journeys to Renewal,  which was recently released from Chiron Publication. The button below will take you to the publisher’s website.

An Orphan’s Odyssey

Rose-Emily Rothenberg, M.A., M.F.T., is a Jungian analyst in private practice in Pacific Palisades. A member of the faculty of the C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles, she has lectured nationally and internationally on the topics of psyche/body and the orphan archetype. Besides her new book, she is also the author of The Jewel in the Wound: How the Body Expresses the Needs of the Psyche and Offers a Path to Transformation.

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