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17/12/2015 Comments (0) Views: 52667 Blogs updates

The excellent press reviews for Boarding School Syndrome by Joy Schavarien

The Society of Analytical Psychology Blog

Joy Schavarien’s new book – Boarding School Syndrome: The Psychological Trauma of the ‘Privileged’ Child has received excellent press reviews. The author herself speaks about the concept:


„For many years I have observed the lasting damaging psychological effects of boarding schools on those who attended them. In my private practice I have frequently encountered those who were traumatised by the experience. In an article published in the British Journal of Psychotherapy in May 2011 I introduced the term Boarding School Syndrome to identify a set of lasting psychological problems that are observable in adults who, as children , were sent away from their home at an early age to boarding schools. This term has drawn a great deal of media interest being quoted in the national and international press.” – Joy Schavieren


Read all reviews at the SAP Blog

The info about the book


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