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16/12/2015 Comments (0) Views: 51965 Books

Joy Schaverien – Boarding School Syndrome: The Psychological Trauma of the ‘Privileged’ Child

Paperback: 264 pages
Publisher: Routledge (June 13, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 041569003X
ISBN-13: 978-0415690034

boarding school syndromeThis book is an analysis of the trauma of the “privileged” child sent to boarding school at a young age.  Innovative and challenging it offers a new understanding of a long-established British and colonial tradition.  Richly illustrated with pictures and the narratives of adult ex-boarders it shines a psychological light on this time-honoured practice.  Readable and accessible, it demonstrates how some forms of enduring distress may be traced back to the early losses of home and family.

It has long been known that boarding schools have a brutal history and yet they continued with beatings and cruelty into the late 20th century. Children in boarding school grow up in institutional care and looked after by adults who do not love them.  This may cause problems with intimacy in later life.  The stories of ex-boarders in psychotherapy reveal the details of this suffering. At a formative time children left in school lose everything familiar and this may be traumatic, creating a psychological split between the boarding school self and the home self. As a result children may experience dissociation, amnesia and bereavement.  Some view their school as a form of captivity; others are exposed to physical and sexual abuse.

This cutting-edge book offers a theory on which the psychotherapeutic treatment of ex-boarders may build.  Boarding School Syndrome is a new term developed after many years of clinical research.  Informed and substantiated by attachment and child development theories, it demonstrates how boarding school may damage those it also rewards.  This book breaks new ground in systematically analysing this trauma and in addressing the impact on women, as well as men.  It will be essential reading for anyone interested in the wider implications of this tradition.  It offers a theoretical frame for psychotherapists working with ex-boarders and it will enlighten ex-boarders, as well as those who live with them.

See info at the author’s website


Joy SchaverienJoy1-341x350 PhD is a Jungian analyst, psychotherapist and supervisor with a private practice in Rutland in the East Midlands, UK and is a member of Society of Analytical Psychology (SAP).

She writes and lectures extensively on a varied group of topics including psychoanalysis, the erotic transference and gender in psychotherapy, art and psychoanalysis and the psychological effects of boarding school.

Boarding School Syndrome describes common symptoms suffered by those affected by early boarding.   Originator of the term her new book was published by Routledge in June 2015. Based on extensive research with ex-boarders, in psychotherapy and in semi-structured interviews, it depicts the enduring psychological effects of this trauma.

Originally trained as a painter at the Slade (University College London). Joy is author of the seminal art psychotherapy text The Revealing Image and Visiting Professor for the Northern Programme for Art Psychotherapy. is not financed by any external fund except of free of charge administration and webmastering of participates in Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is our way to keep the website clean and free of advertisements. It means that every time a book is bought it supports the development of the website. We advertise only analytical psychology and Jungian psychoanalysis books. If you like the direction our website is expanding you might consider supporting it by buying Jungian books via sponsored links of our Amazon Associaties Program.

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