Shrink Rap Radio – Politics and Jung

Same-Sex Love: Archetypal Reflections

21/12/2015 Comments (0) Views: 7872 Resources, Videos

Contributions to an archetypal psychology: Interview with Patricia Berry

This is an interview made by Michael Lerner at The New School of Commonwealth. It covers her life and work as well as her relationship with James Hillman.

Watch part one of the conversation

Patricia Berry, Ph.D

Patricia Berry, Ph.D, is one of the founders of Archetypal Psychology along with James Hillman, to whom she was married for 20 years. She is a Zurich-trained Jungian Analyst and author of Echo’s Subtle Body: A Contribution to Archetypal Psychology. In 1991 she was the first Scholar in Residence at Pacifica Graduate Institute in California. She lectures internationally and has served as president of both the New England and the Inter-Regional Societies of Jungian Analysts.

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