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14/12/2014 Comments (0) Views: 7518 Podcasts

Deirdre Bair – Writing Jung’s Life

Presented by San Diego Friends of Jung

With the Deirdre Bair lecture we start highly provocative and contradictory topic – Carl Gustav Jung’s biographies. Future posts on this subject will be published under the Jung’s biographies tag, to be easily found by „search” option in the right up part of the page and among tags in the footer. We will collect different publications and different voices that allow looking at his fascinating subject from different angles.

bair deirdreDeirdre Bair

Deirdre Bair  is an American writer and biographer. She is the author of six works of nonfiction.

She received a National Book Award for Samuel Beckett: A Biography (1978). Her biographies of Simone de Beauvoir and C. G. Jung were finalists for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize. Her biographies of Anaïs Nin and Simone de Beauvoir were chosen by the New York Times as “Best Books of the Year”, and her biography of Jung won the Gradiva Award from the National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis. Her most recent book, Calling It Quits, examines late-life divorce and starting over and has been profiled on CBS’s The Early Show, NBC’s The Today Show, the Brian Lehrer radio show and on CBC Canada. She recently published a biography of New Yorker cartoonist and artist Saul Steinberg.

She has been awarded fellowships from (among others) the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation and the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study (then named the Bunting Institute). She is a literary journalist who writes frequently about travel, feminist issue, and cultural life. A former professor of comparative literature, she writes and lectures internationally. She divides her time mostly between New York and Connecticut.

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