Snakes, Dragons, and Other Scaly Creatures

Presented by

The C. G. Jung Center of New York

From February 29 to April 1, 2016, an exhibition of the Digital Fusion prints from Jung’s Red Book will take place at the Salena Gallery of Long Island University – Brooklyn.

The Exhibition will be accompanied by the conference: Snakes, Dragons and Other Scaly Creatures held on March 5th at the C.G. Jung Center of New York.

This major event is co-sponsored by the C. G. Jung Institute of New York, the New York Association for Analytical Psychology, the C. G. Jung Foundation of New York, the Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism, and the Analytical Psychology Club of New York.

The full program of the conference is now available and the registration is open.

Full Conference Program

on 21 stycznia | by

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