Assisted Reproduction: Emotional and Identity Implications for Parents and Children

Presented by

Society for Analytical Psychology

This one day symposium brings together leading speakers from the academic psychology and psychoanalytic/psychodynamic traditions to help practitioners explore their understanding and thinking about working with members of families created by assisted reproductive technologies, including IVF, gamete donation and surrogacy.

  • Professor Golombok will give a lecture on Longitudinal studies of psychological well-being of parents and children born through donor conception and surrogacy.
  • Professor Raphael-Leff will discuss the Impact of imaginary scenarios in structuring family ties.
  • Katherine Fine will help practitioners explore their understanding and thinking about working with members of families created by assisted reproductive technologies.
  • Dr Brian Feldman will be drawing on infant observation of children born as a result of donations.
  • Professor Lesley Caldwell will summarise by drawing together themes and concerns arising during the course of the day.

on 19 grudnia | by

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