Mirrors to the Soul: Dreamwork as a Dialectical Process

Presented by

The C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology

This workshop places the contextual and narrative elements of night-dreams within the larger framework of Jung’s psychology of the Self. Through case examples, we will differentiate defining features of the „personal dream” (tending to day-to-day psychic balance) from those of the „big dream” (addressing universal human dilemmas).   
An emphasis will be placed upon cosmological, environmental, and theological themes as we celebrate the work of the big dream in bridging the psycho-spiritual development of the individual to emerging streams of consciousness in the collective psyche. 

on 30 marca | by

One Response to Mirrors to the Soul: Dreamwork as a Dialectical Process

  1. Edvaldo de Oliveira Leme pisze:

    A nice oportunity! Thanks!

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