Passages: Identity, Consciousness, and Transformation

Presented by

The C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology

The Foundation’s Summer Study Program is a unique opportunity to meet people from all over the United States and the world who share a common interest in Jung and his ideas. Past summer participants hailed from such diverse locations as Brazil, Switzerland, Belgium, Puerto Rico, Australia, Ireland, Venezuela, and the Pacific Northwest. Both of the Intensive programs have been carefully designed to be informative and stimulating for professionals in the field and the general public. We encourage participants from a wide range of backgrounds to attend either or both sessions of our summer program.

This Summer Study program is your chance to spend time studying at the C.G. Jung Center of New York, a lovely, air-conditioned brownstone in midtown Manhattan, conveniently located near many of New York City’s most famous attractions.

on 8 czerwca | by

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