Daryl Sharp – In Memoriam: Edward Edinger

The interview with Thomas Kirsch MD, the Jungian historian...

21/11/2014 Comments (0) Views: 6810 Editorial blog, Featured articles

„It all starts with imagining” by Malgorzata Kalinowska

„Time present and time past

Are both perhaps present in time future,

And time future contained in time past.

If all time is eternally present

All time is unredeemable.”

T. S. Elliot

If anyone asked me what was at the beginning of the, when did it start, I would have a huge difficulty to name the one specific moment that was the moment of the birth of the magazine. Would it be leading deeply into the past the tendency of mine and my co-editors to historicize, to collect books, papers, notes, images that connect to the Jungian psychology? And if yes, what deeper need manifested itself through all those files and folders of ours? James Hillman once said (1) that historicizing puts events in between – neither here and now, nor once upon a time. This thought of his resonated deeply in us when we imagined our website, even before it was designed, so it could be said that was born somewhere in between – in between us and all the people that influenced us on our Jungian paths, in between word and image, in between of now and a long time ago. Out of all these and many other different thoughts and wonderings we imagined this website, with its alive and dynamic space, speaking so much intensively in image as it does in words.

It all starts with imagining, then. Hillman adds that imagination gives a distance and dignity, allowing us to see events as images. The need to historicize is closely bond to the imagining with no claim to give strict and factual systematic knowledge the handbooks of history do, it expresses rather the deep longing to keep some interactive space of human relationships alive. All of us engaged in Jungian psychology know well how much we were influenced by meetings with words of those that proceeded us, and those that we are meeting in our closer and wider circles.

The experience of roots and tradition connected to present moment and reaching into the future is a key concept of our idea of We hope with the course of time to be able to both keep up to date with current directions of development of Jungian psychology, and go backwards, towards the seminal books and papers, key figures, and moments that changed everything. At the same time we are grateful to all that have discovered us during the first four months of the website life, have kept coming back, or have dropped by from time to time.

With this post we are starting our editorial blog. We will present here new directions we will be introducing, will ask for your opinions about our plans for the future, and will share with you our stories that emerge during the work on the website – we will write about the most popular publications, share impressions about new discoveries and rediscoveries. We hope that meeting with and its word, image and sound will give you so much joy as it gives us.



Editor-In-Chief of

(1). James Hillman (1998), Healing Fiction, Spring Publications

  • Editorial blog


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