The Jung-Neumann Letters – A Book Launch and International...

C. G. Jung, CW 7, para. 459 [237]

06/11/2014 Comments (0) Views: 11394 Asia, Coming events, Conferences, Events, Resources, Videos

Jung – Neumann Letters Conference trailer

The trailer for The Jung-Neumann Letters – A Book Launch and International Conference. The long awaited publication of the correspondence between C.G. Jung and Erich Neumann promises to be a landmark event in the history of analytical psychology. In the video Murray Stein and Erel Shalit discuss the process around publication of Jung – Neumann correspondence, its meaning for analytical psychology and forthcoming conference details.

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Murray SteinMurray Stein, Ph.D.

Murray Stein is a training analyst at the International School for Analytical Psychology in Zurich, Switzerland. His most recent publications include The Principle of Individuation, Jung’s Map of the Soul, and The Edinburgh International Encyclopaedia of Psychoanalysis (Editor of the Jungian sections, with Ross Skelton as General Editor). He lectures internationally on topics related to Analytical Psychology and its applications in the contemporary world.

Dr. Stein is a graduate of Yale University (B.A. and M.Div.), the University of Chicago (Ph.D., in Religion and Psychological Studies), and the C.G. Jung Institut-Zurich. He is a founding member of the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts and Chicago Society of Jungian Analysts. He has been the president of the International Association for Analytical Psychology (2001-4), and is presently a member of the Swiss Society for Analytical Psychology and President of the International School of Analytical Psychology, Zurich.

Erel ShalitErel Shalit, Ph. D.

Erel Shalit is a Jungian psychoanalyst in Ra’anana, Israel. He is a training and supervising analyst, and past president of the Israel Society of Analytical Psychology (ISAP). He is the author of several publications, including The Hero and His Shadow: Psychopolitical Aspects of Myth and Reality in Israel and The Complex: Path of Transformation from Archetype to Ego. Articles of his have have appeared in Quadrant, The Jung Journal, Spring Journal, Political Psychology, ClinicalSupervisor, Round Table Review, Jung Page, Midstream, and he has entries inThe Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion. Dr. Shalit lectures at professional institutes, universities and cultural forums in Israel, Europe and the United States.

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