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30/03/2018 Comments (0) Views: 4372 Books

Ladson Hinton & Hessel Willemsen [eds.] – Temporality and Shame

The composition of papers on the topic of shame and temporality has been recently published by Routledge. The respected publisher, which we oftentimes bring to your attention, this time extended its „Philosophy & Psychoanalysis Series” with the most interesting set of perspectives on the issue of shame and its place in the experience of temporality. The very juxtaposition of these two themes is valuable and original. In the editorial note we can read that:

„To date (…) there has been little examination of the critical connection between these core experiences. Although they deeply implicate each other, no single book has focused upon their profound interrelationship.”

The second fact about this book is the basic perspective, which is to see the shame as not only the malignant and destructive emotion but also, if not primarily, as „a teacher”. There are many perspectives, represented respectively by different contributors. And each of them is well recognized and respected scientist in his or her field of expertise. We can find there essays written by philosophers, anthropologists, students of culture and psychoanalysts of different provenience. The very list of contributors, two of them being the editors for this book, promises a fascinating and valuable reading in the field of what in one way or another is the everyday experience for all of us.


Temporality and Shame at Routledge


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