Daryl Sharp – The Analytic Experience

Seminal papers: „Emotions and Object Relations” by John Weir...

18/02/2015 Comments (0) Views: 7159 Featured articles, Maria Taveras

Maria Taveras – Arrival of the Winged Serpent – part 1

maria taveras

Maria Taveras – Arrival of the Winged Serpent


Jungian analyst Maria Taveras in her art studio in New York City in the process of creating a sculpture entitled „Arrival of the Winged Serpent.”  Taveras is an award-winning practitioner of „Dream Art.”  She creates works of art from archetypal images that emerge from the collective unconscious in her own dreams.  Her „Dream Art” has been exhibited in New York, London, Cape Town, San Francisco, Montreal, and Berkeley.

Read more about Maria Taveras works at her website

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