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10/01/2015 Comments (0) Views: 5660 Blogs updates

Marta Tibaldi blog: „JUNG PRIDE – A space to reflect on the Jungian analytical identity”

Marta Tibaldi, Jungian analyst from Italy created a new space at her blog which serves to reflect on the Jungian analysts’ identity – their clinical practice, social and political responsibility, vision of the world. It means to be a space for information, thinking and confrontation with the Jungian identity and practice in the actual times of difficulties, challenges and transitions.

Read more at Marta Tibaldi’s blog, and see her short video in which she explains her new idea (both available in English and in Italian).

Read in English

Read in Italian

marta tibaldi

Marta Tibaldi

Marta Tibaldi, Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Jungian analyst, Training analyst and Supervisior of the Associazione Italiana di Psicologia Analitica (AIPA) and of the International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP), Training Supervisor of the C.G. Jung Zurich, former AIPA’s Vice-President, International Delegate in several IAAP Executive Committes and Member of several IAAP Program Committees, she served as Personal Analyst and Supervisor in China in the Guanzhou IAAP Developing Group and she is actually in charge as Liaison Person for the IAAP Hong Kong Developing Group (HKIAP). Since 2008 she is a regular teacher in the AIPA’s analytical high school in Rome. She offered workshops and seminars on analytical psychology at the University of Hong Kong and Taipei. Lecturer in national and international Congresses and workshops, she is the author of many articles and essays on active imagination, deep writing, masculine and feminine, severe trauma treating and oncologic psychology. She leads cross cultural groups on active imagination, fairy tales and Personal-Impersonal Deep Writing (PIDW). She published the books Il mito delle isole felici nelle relazioni di viaggio del Sette-Ottocento (The myth of the happy islands) (with G. Mazzoleni, D’Anna, Messina-Firenze 1975); Oltre il cancro. Trasformare creativamente la malattia che temiamo di più (Beyond Cancer. Transforming creatively the illness we fear most), Moretti & Vitali, Roma 2010 and Pratica dell’immaginazione attiva. Dialogare con l’inconscio e vivere meglio (Practice of active imagination. Dialoguing with the unconscious and living better), La Lepre, Roma 2011 (in translation in Mandarin by PsyGarden). She is the author of the blog „C.G. Jung’s Analytical Psychology between Italy and China” – Jungian reflection among actuality, anthropology, analytical technique and imaginal practice.

Check Marta Tibaldi’s video channel at You Tube

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