Mark Winborn on Analytic Reverie and Participation Mystique

C. G. Jung letter to J. Allen Gilbert, 1946

Emma Jung, Carl Jung

17/08/2014 Comments (0) Views: 15804 Blogs updates

„Memory of Carl and Emma Jung” by Dorothy Sawyer – Carl Jung Depth Psychology Blog

~ C. G. Jung, Emma Jung and Toni Wolff – A Collection of Remembrances; Pages 79-81. From Carl Jung Depth Psychology Blog:

Less than a year after our wedding, Baldwin and I were on our way to visit Carol Baumann, his mother, in Zurich, Switzerland. 

It was the summer of 1948. 

On a student ship called the Tabinta, several fellow passengers openly envied us our probable opportunity to meet one of the century’s great men, Carl Jung. When we were invited to a Sunday afternoon tea at the Jung’s house in Kusnacht, it was a good event among other good events. We were not making mental notes as though to record for posterity a Grand Moment. We simply lived it.

Only relatively recently did I realize that in our occasional retelling of that good rime, we had almost completely omitted references to Emma Jung. While the clothes, postures, words and gestures of Carl Jung were vivid in our recountings, there were no details about Frau Jung at all.

There actually were times when I asked myself or Baldwin: did I only imagine that she was there? What we both now remember is a quiet woman, alert and aware but soft in manner, who was more of a presence than a visible performer.

This first her own description of herself as a person with a strong introverted sensation function-one who is present, taking it all in, recording everything in accurate and exquisite detail, but inwardly, with almost no outer evidence of the rich activity within.

With Carl Jung, however-what a difference! When he came out to where we waited for him on the terrace that day, he ARRIVED. (…)

I think the intensity of that visit was evoked partly by a genuine, clean attention that Carl Jung gave to each subject of the conversation and to each of his guests. We, the young couple, had a secure feeling of being totally accepted, highly regarded, interesting people worth listening to…

Dorothy Sawyer

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