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03/01/2015 Comments (0) Views: 55792 Books

Proceedings of the 19th Congress of the IAAP, Edited by Emilija Kiehl

Copenhagen 2013 

100 Years On: Origins, Innovations and Controversies

  • 214 pages in printed book + 1320 pages on CD
  • Publisher: Daimon Verlag
  • ISBN: 978-3-85630-755-4

The Nineteenth Triannual Congress of the International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP) was held in Copenhagen, Denmark, from August 18-23, 2013.

Copenhagen 2013 – 100 years on: Origins, Innovations and Controversies was the theme, honoring the psychological transformations experienced by C.G. Jung beginning in 1913, while also reflecting upon the evolving world and Jungian Community a century later. This volume consists of all of the plenary presentations in printed form and they are joined with the daily break-out sessions and posters on the CD that is an integral part of these Proceedings (inside back cover).

See at Daimon Publishers website for detailed list of contents

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