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20/10/2014 Comments (0) Views: 8241 Books

Samuel Kimbles – „Phantom Narratives: The Unseen Contributions of Culture to Psyche”

  • Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers (July 2, 2014)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1442231890
  • ISBN-13: 978-1442231894
  • Hardcover: 146 pages

In Phantom Narratives: The Unseen Contributions of Culture to Psyche, Samuel Kimbles explores collective shadow processes, intergenerational transmission of group traumas, and social suffering as examples of how culture contributes to the formation of unseen, or phantom, narratives. These unseen narratives bundle together a number of themes around belonging, identity, identification, shadow, identity politics and otherness dynamics, and the universal striving for recognition. These dynamics enter the superego of our collective consciousness long before we are conscious of how they contribute to the shaping of our attitudes toward self and others, us and them (significantly contributing to scapegoat dynamics), emotionally generating fascination, possessiveness, disavowal and entitlement, and shame and fear. Also included in this book is an elaboration of Bion’s work on groups in the context of thinking about cultural complexes that helps to flesh out how human groupings generate processes that support and hinder the development of consciousness in both individuals and groups. Kimbles argues that the awareness that can come through an understanding of cultural dynamics as manifested through cultural complexes and cultural phantoms in combination with the development of cultural consciousness can lead to an understanding of how groups can develop and individuals in groups can individuate.

Listen to the interview with Dr. Samuel Kimbles on Shrink Rap Radio

Sam-KimblesSamuel Kimbles Ph.D.

is a clinical psychologist, training analyst, and member of the faculty of the C. G. Jung Institute of San Francisco, and a clinical professor (VCF) in the Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of California, San Francisco. Between September 1, 2008 and August 31, 2010 he served as president of the C.G. Jung Institute, San Francisco. He has lectured and presented papers on topics related to the theory and practical applications of analytical psychology to professional and lay audiences throughout the United States, Africa, and Europe. He is a clinical consultant and has taught at the San Francisco Jung Institute, colleges, and universities. In addition, he has trained mental health and analytic professionals on working with the unconscious life of groups. His published work on the cultural complex is a significant contribution of the application of analytical psychology to the study of groups and society. His previous book on cultural complexes was with Tom Singer, The Cultural Complex: Contemporary Jungian Perspectives on Psyche and Society (Routledge, 2004).


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