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12/03/2017 Comments (0) Views: 5917 Books

The Order-Disorder Paradox… by Nathan Schwartz-Salant

Nathan Schwartz-Salant hardly needs a recommendation. He is one of the most seminal authors in the post-Jungian world of clinical practice and theoretical conceptualizations.

Since the publication of already classic „Narcissism and Character Transformation…” in the early 80’s, Schwartz-Salant has been regularly growing in his particular approach to the healing processes of the psyche. His combination of classical Jungian education, research in the area of alchemy and inter-relational phenomena in the deep analytical relationship, together with his openness towards the other schools of psychoanalytic thought, made for the unique emergent concepts that are not only theoretically fascinating but first of all clinically sound and useful.

Schwartz-Salant’s reflections upon the basic phenomenon of the order-disorder sequences, which you can already find in his earlier writings and lectures, now seem to have got to the point of systematic elaboration and presentation. It encompasses not only the reality of individual analytic relationship but also the collective dimension of societal transformations. I look forward for seeing this book coming, as I think every Jungian analyst practicing in our particular times should.


Nathan Schwartz-Salant, Ph.D. was trained as a Jungian analyst in Zürich, Switzerland, and has a psychotherapy practice in New York City and Princeton, New Jersey. He is the author of numerous clinical papers and books, including The Mystery of Human Relationships: Alchemy and the Transformation of the Self (Routledge, 1998).


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