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18/05/2016 Comments (0) Views: 55848 Books

Thomas Singer, Joerg Rasche (eds.) – Europe’s Many Souls: Exploring Cultural Complexes and Identities

  • Paperback: 454 pages
  • Publisher: Spring Journal, Inc. (January 25, 2016)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1935528742
  • ISBN-13: 978-1935528746

What is going on in Europe? In this book a number of outstanding Jungian Analysts explore the Cultural Complexes and Identities of their European homelands and nations. This is a new approach to old questions: What makes a people feel at home? How do their traditions and narratives form a cultural Self and identity? How do they differ from one another? Exploring cultural complexes as a part of answering these important questions requires knowledge of history, economics, sociology, anthropology, geography, psychology, religious studies, literature and poetry. But as every complex is built around an emotional core, the study of how cultural complexes live in the psyche is not limited to these disciplines. Each author and reader engages in a confrontation with their emotions, prejudices, and projections. The shape that the ideas and feelings of a cultural complex take in the psyche can be inchoate, rapidly shifting and yet paradoxically long standing, and often quite immune and impermeable to the reason that traditional disciplines of thought would impose on them. These cultural complexes do not necessarily provide a coherent or linear sequencing of facts and events because that is not how they actually exist and function in the psyche of individuals and groups. At the same time, cultural complexes shape what it means to be a citizen of a particular city, region, or country of Europe. They contribute to Europe’s Many Souls.


Britain-Jules Cashford, Greece-Evangelos Tsempelis, Russia-Elena Volodina, Spain, Olivia del Castillo, Czech Republic-Martin Skála, Poland-Malgorzata Kalinowska, Switzerland-Angela Graf-Nold, Germany & Russia-Gert Sauer, Serbia-Marijana Popovic & Jelena Sladojevic Matic, Denmark-Pia Skogemann, Italy-Caterina Vezzoli, Austria-Maria Kendler, Italy-Marta Tibaldi, Europe-Joerg Rasche, Europe-Erel Shalit, Europe-Kristina Schellinski.

Praise for Europe’s Many Souls:

Qualities of passion and intellectual coherence co-exist in this extraordinary book, itself a product of history, politics, psychology and—often—personal experience and suffering. But what about the timing? Europe is in its deepest crisis since the Second World War and, in the absence of any credible solutions from conventional politics, depth psychology and the idea of cultural complexes are entitled to step into the breach. There is more: By assembling authors from so many different nations, Joerg Rasche and Tom Singer have created a special European union before our very eyes. They, and their stellar team of authors, have not only analysed the continental lines of conflict and war, but have also made noteworthy contributions to the achievement of peace-in-diversity. – PROFESSOR ANDREW SAMUELS, AUTHOR OF A NEW THERAPY FOR POLITICS?
This is a remarkable and original book and should be read by all those interested in Europe from historical, personal and cultural perspectives, including the roots of European conflicts and their implications for present-day issues. The authors are Jungian analysts or academics from different parts of Europe, and the book’s theoretical underpinning is the concept of cultural complexes, exploring their relevance, dynamics, positive and shadow aspects in individual countries. The editors, Joerg Rasche and Thomas Singer, and the publisher, Spring Journal Books, are to be congratulated for their vision in publishing at this time a book of high quality essays when contemporary Europe is in flux: struggling with its identity; with who belongs and who is excluded; with managing more flexible boundaries, especially challenging with the huge influx of refugees seeking sanctuary in European countries. – JAN WIENER, DIRECTOR OF TRAINING, SOCIETY OF ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY, LONDON; FORMER CO-CHAIR OF THE IAAP, EDUCATION COMMITTEE WITH RESPONSIBILITY FOR EASTERN EUROPE.
This book on Europe and its cultural complexes is both profound and perfectly timed. The individual articles are outstandingly written by authors who have a deep understanding of Jung and analytical psychology, and know how to connect that knowledge with the problems that Europe faces today. The viewpoints represented are essential to understanding the history of the different European countries and helpful in understanding why they are in such turmoil now. I highly recommend it. – THOMAS B. KIRSCH, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY.
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Editors' biographies:

Tom SingerThomas Singer, M.D. is a Jungian analyst and psychiatrist. After studying religion and European literature at Princeton University, he graduated from Yale Medical School and later trained at Dartmouth Medical Center and the C. G. Jung Institute of San Francisco. Dr. Singer is editor of The Analytical Psychology and Contemporary Cultural Series for Spring Journal Books, where he has developed a series of volumes exploring cultural complexes around the world. He is current President of National ARAS, an archive of symbolic imagery ( His writings include articles on Jungian theory, politics, and psychology, and he has written and/or edited the following books: Who’s the Patient Here? (Oxford University Press, 1978, with Stuart Copans), A Fan’s Guide to Baseball Fever (Elijim Publications, 1991, with Stuart Copans), The Vision Thing (Routledge, 2000), The Cultural Complex (Routledge, 2004, with Samuel Kimbles), Initiation: The Living Reality of An Archetype (Routledge, 2007, with Thomas Kirsch and Virginia Beane Rutter), Psyche and the City (Spring, 2010), Ancient Greece, Modern Psyche: Archetypes in the Making (Spring, 2011, with Virginia Beane Rutter), Placing Psyche: Exploring Cultural Complexes in Australia(Spring, 2011), Listening to Latin America (Spring, 2012), and Ancient Greece, Modern Psyche: Archetypes Evolving (Routledge, 2015, with Virginia Beane Rutter).

RascheDr. Joerg Rasche, Jungian analyst, trained in Berlin and Zurich where he studied sandplay therapy with Dora Kalff. Dr. Rasche is a child psychiatrist, working in private practice in Berlin. He served for many years as president of the German Jungian Association (DGAP) and was vice-president of IAAP. Currently he is president of the German Association for Sandplay Therapy (DGST). Also a trained musician, he has published many papers and some books on mythology, music, sandplay therapy, and analytical psychology, as well as serving on the board of various Jungian journals. Dr. Rasche has taught in Central European countries for many years and is a training analyst for IAAP. Dr. Rasche was honored for his work on reconciliation between the Polish and German people by the Polish President who presented him with the Golden Cross of Merit. He gives concerts and lectures around the world. He is married and has three adult children. is not financed by any external fund except of free of charge administration and webmastering of participates in Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is our way to keep the website clean and free of advertisements. It means that every time a book is bought it supports the development of the website. We advertise only analytical psychology and Jungian psychoanalysis books. If you like the direction our website is expanding you might consider supporting it by buying Jungian books via sponsored links of our Amazon Associaties Program.

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