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IAAP Conference

06/01/2015 Comments (0) Views: 5522 Conferences, Europe, Videos

Analysis and Activism, IAAP Conference – opening evening video

Following the success of Analysis and Activism – IAAP Conference on Social and Political Contributions of Jungian Psychology held in London in December 2014 Conference organizers prepared the video of the opening evening of the event. Analysis and Activism Conference was prepared by International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP) and five London Jungian groups.

The opening video consists of Opening Address by Emilija Kiehl, Tom Kelly & Andrew Samuels and Panel: „Interventions” by Stefano Carta, Renos Papadopulos, Eva Pattis-Zoja and Craig San Roque and following discussions. Check Andrew Samuels website for more information, or below links to the two-part video provided by organizers (opened with Microsoft One Drive).

Andrew Samuels website

Video – Part I

Video – Part 2

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