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05/05/2016 Comments (0) Views: 5528 Books

Crossing the Owl’s Bridge by Kim Bateman

  • Paperback: 194 pages
  • Publisher: Chiron Publications (March 11, 2016)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1630513725
  • ISBN-13: 978-1630513726

This is another recent release from Chiron Publications: „Crossing the Owl’s Bridge” by Kim Bateman.

Crossing the Owl’s Bridge” uses the wisdom of worldwide folk tales to demonstrate how to share, ritualize, and transform grief. Each chapter describes psychological tasks as communicated through folk tales, offers stories about others, and provides guidelines for application. The premise is that although we do have to say goodbye to our material relationship, we are also being presented with a chance to say hello to a different type of relationship. „Crossing the Owl’s Bridge” illustrates creative outcomes to mourning that allow one to recognize, contain, release, and yet stay in relationship and keep loving.

Crossing the Owl’s Bridge

Kim Bateman Ph.D. is known for her engaging and entertaining presenting style.  Her research interests include organizational psychology, bereavement, and humor and she has delivered many notable keynote addresses, including:  „There’s a fox under my bed and pixie dust in my hair,” at the Developmental Psychology Conference, „The Psychology of Humor” at the Women’s Wellness Conference, and “College Culture through the song lyrics of Bob Marley,” at the Community College League of CA conference. She recently presented a TEDx talk called “Singing Over Bones”. Dr. Bateman serves as the Executive Dean of the Tahoe-Truckee Campus of Sierra College.

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