The Eyes of Experience – Reverend Dr. Kenneth E....

John Beebe: Individuating the Types

17/05/2015 Comments (0) Views: 77900 Resources, Videos

Ernst Falzeder: Types of Truth, Jung’s Philosophical Roots

Philemon Foundation has made available video recordings from the New York City conference that has been co-sponsored with the Jungian Psychoanalytic Association. This Conference Psychological Types, Then and Now: The relevance and Application of Jung’s Theory followed the publication of the Philemon Series volume, The Question of Psychological Types: The Correspondence of C. G. Jung and Hans Schmid-Guisan 1915-1916 (John Beebe and Ernst Falzeder, co-editors, Princeton University Press, 2013).

This is the first part of the video recording, a lecture by Ernst Falzeder entitled: Types of Truth, Jung’s Philosophical Roots.

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