We are already waiting for a new book by Spring Journal and Books – „Europe’s Many Souls: Exploring Cultural Complexes and Identities” (and we are happy to be one of the the first to announce it!). For the last several years we can observe increased interest towards issues of cultural and collective mechanisms of group psyche in the Jungian circles (both in topics of conferences and published books). This time Joerg Rasche and Thomas Singer invited a number of European Jungian analysts to reflect upon key motifs in the cultures they come from. Although social and political issues tend to change very fast nowadays bringing new challenges, cultural complexes that are built into large group identites tend to be repetitive and constellate especially in times of difficult situations on a group level. They trigger emotions and sometimes cause the return of traumatization. At the same time, as authors of the book show, they can provide the tools to protect the cultural identity in times of transition and help to organize life on the group level.
In the book among other we can find a chapter by our Editor In Chief Malgorzata Kalinowska: „The Suffering Hero and Messianism in Polish Cultural Complex”.
Publication time: January 2016