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04/11/2015 Comments (0) Views: 6349 Videos

James Hollis – Finding Your Own Path

On LIVING SMART with Patricia Gras

Author and Jungian Analyst James Hollis PhD is one of the most prolific Jungian analysts in the country. He discusses finding your own individual path. If we indeed want to create a life worth living, we have to do our inner work — something we sometimes forget in a shallow, fast-paced culture which seldom challenges us & spoon-feeds us comforting junk food instead of genuine nourishment. Find out what this Jungian psychologist and prolific author can teach us about creating a life and finding our path, a pragmatic guide to individuation-the creation of a meaningful life worthy of its soul.


James Hollis, Ph.D

James Hollis was born in Springfield, Illinois. He graduated with an A.B. from Manchester University in 1962 and with a Ph.D. from Drew University in 1967. He taught the Humanities 26 years in various colleges and universities before retraining as a Jungian analyst at the Jung Institute of Zurich, Switzerland (1977-82). He is a licensed Jungian analyst in private practice in Houston, Texas, where he served as Executive Director of the Jung Educational Center of Houston from 1997-2008. He lives with his wife Jill, an artist and therapist, and together they have three living children, and six grand-children. He is a retired Senior Training Analyst for the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts, was the first Director of Training of the Philadelphia Jung Institute, and is vice president emeritus of the Philemon Foundation, which is dedicated to the publication of the complete works of Jung. Additionally, he is a Professor of Jungian Studies for Saybrook University.

He has written eight books published by Inner City Books, a Jungian-oriented press located in Toronto, Canada; he has also written three books published by Gotham Press, a division of Penguin, one book by Chiron Books, and two books published by academic presses. His books have been translated into Swedish, Russian, German, Spanish, French, Hungarian, Portuguese, Turkish, Italian, Korean, Finnish, Romanian, Bulgarian, Farsi, Japanese, and Czech.

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