Speaking of Jung Episode 9: Murray Stein

Shrink Rap Radio – Politics and Jung

10/12/2015 Comments (0) Views: 5784 Resources, Videos

Jungian Insights Into Psychedelic Experience – with Scott J. Hill Ph.D.

This is a video recording of the lecture provided during the Psychological Theory symposium at Breaking Convention 2015 – The 3rd International Conference on Psychedelic Consciousness held at the University of Greenwich, Old Royal Naval College, London in July. It presents reflection upon the intersection of Jungian psychology and psychedelic psychotherapy and transpersonal psychology.

Watch it at Vimeo

pobraneDr Scott J. Hill lives in Sweden. His scholarly research regards the intersection between psychedelic studies and Jungian psychology. He holds degrees in psychology from the University of Minnesota and in philosophy and religion from the California Institute of Integral Studies.

He is the author of Confrontation with the Unconscious Jungian Depth Psychology and Psychedelic Experience published by Sunny Press.

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