Living with Jung: „Enterviews” with Jungian Analysts vol. 3

„Jungian Psychoanalysis: Working in the Spirit of Carl Jung”...

16/08/2014 Comments (0) Views: 4682 Books

Shared Realities: Participation Mystique and Beyond

Publisher: Fisher King Press (June 10, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1771690097
ISBN-13: 978-1771690096

editor: Mark Winborn

Shared Realities: Participation Mystique and Beyond brings together Jungian analysts and psychoanalysts from across the United States, the United Kingdom, and France. Carl Jung’s concept of participation mystique is used as a starting point for an in depth exploration of 'shared realities' in the analytic setting and beyond. The clinical, narrative, and theoretical discussions move through such related areas as: projective identification, negative coniunctio, reverie, intersubjectivity, the interactive field, phenomenology, neuroscience, the transferential chimera, shamanism, shared reality of place, borderland consciousness, and mystical participation. This unique collection of essays bridges theoretical orientations and includes some of the most original analytic writers of our time. An essential read for psychoanalysts, Jungian analysts, psychotherapists, and analytic candidates.

Section I – Clinical Applications
1. Negative Coniunctio: Envy and Sadomasochism in Analysis by Pamela Power
2. Trauma, Participation Mystique, Projective Identification and Analytic Attitude by Marcus West
3. Watching Clouds Together: Analytic Reverie and Participation Mystique by Mark Winborn
4. Modern Kleinian Therapy, Jung’s Participation Mystique, and the Projective Identification Process by Robert Waska

Section II – Experiential Narratives
5. Songs Never Heard Before: Listening and Living Differently In Shared Realities by Dianne Braden
6. Variants of Mystical Participation by Michael Eigen
7. Participation Mystique in Peruvian Shamanism by Deborah Bryon

Section III – Theoretical Discussions
8. Healing Our Split: Participation Mystique and C. G. Jung by Jerome Bernstein
9. The Transferential Chimera and Neuroscience by François Martin-Vallas
10. Toward a Phenomenology of Participation Mystique and a Reformulation of Jungian Philosophical Anthropology by John White


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