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The story of Emma Jung is book of the week at BBC radio

BBC Radio

Labyrinths: Emma Jung, Her Marriage to Carl, and the Early Years of Psychoanalysis

The story of Emma Jung, her marriage to Carl and the early years of psychoanalysis.

Emma Jung was clever, ambitious and immensely wealthy, one of the richest heiresses in Switzerland, when she met and fell in love with Carl Jung, a handsome but penniless medical student. She was only 17, too young to understand Carl’s complex personality or conceive of the dramas that lay ahead.

It was a highly unconventional marriage with many labyrinthine twists and turns. Emma was forced to fight with everything she had in order to come to terms with Carl’s brilliant but complicated character and to keep her husband close to her. His belief in polygamy led to many extra-marital involvements with women he met when they became his patients. A ménage a trois with a former patient, Toni Wolff lasted some thirty years. But the marriage endured and Emma realised her ambition to become a noted analyst in her own right.

In the first episode, Carl meets Emma and breaks down her resistance to marriage – a seduction by intellect.

Readers: Deborah Findlay and Henry Goodman
Written by Catrine Clay
Abridged and produced by Elizabeth Burke
A Loftus production for BBC Radio 4.

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