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04/09/2014 Comments (0) Views: 75383 Books

„Time and Timelessness: Temporality in the theory of Carl Jung” – Angeliki Yiassemides 

Series: Research in Analytical Psychology and Jungian Studies
Hardcover: 152 pages
Publisher: Routledge (June 4, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0415810434
ISBN-13: 978-0415810432

Time and Timelessness: Temporality in the theory of Carl Jung (Research in Analytical Psychology and Jungian Studies) examines the development of Jung’s understanding of time throughout his opus, and the ways in which this concept has affected key elements of his work. In this book Yiassemides suggests that temporality plays an important role in many of Jung’s central ideas, and is closely interlinked with his overall approach to the psyche and the cosmos at large.
Jung proposed a profound truth: that time is relative at large. To appreciate the whole of our experience we must reach beyond causality and temporal linearity, to develop an approach that allows for multidimensional and synchronistic experiences. Jung’s understanding surpassed Freud’s dichotomous approach which restricted timelessness to the unconscious; his time theory allows us to reach beyond the everyday time-bound world into a greater realm, rich with meaning and connection.

This book is the first to explore time and timelessness in a systematic manner from a Jungian perspective, and the first to investigate how the concept of time affected the overall development of Jung’s theory. It will be key reading for psychoanalytic scholars and clinicians, as well as those working in the field of phenomenological philosophy.




Chapter 1: Jung and time, the beginning: Asserting the largest order

  • Time before Septem Sermones Ad Mortuos: symbolic elaborations
  • Septem Sermones Ad Mortuos and time
  • Symbolic precursors of analytical psychology

Chapter 2: The unfolding of Jung’s time theory: Dreaming the myth onwards

  • The paradoxical temporality of the archetype
  • Retrospection and forward movement
  • Teleology and causality in the psyche: methodological considerations

Chapter 3: Long-range effects in time

  • Expressions of the psyche’s temporality: telepathy, dreams and foreknowledge
  • Exploring the psychophysical reality: the psychoid archetype
  • The outstanding question of the space-time concept
  • Time and the transcendent nature of the psychoid: the introduction of synchronicity
  • Chronos in synchronicity
  • Observing meaning
  • Correspondence on a complex and vexing idea

Chapter 4: A unified reality

  • Symbolic elaborations

Chapter 5: The death of time: Mythical consciousness and the descent to the archaic

  • Death in the Jungian paradigm: a symbolic perspective
  • Mythical and eschatological consciousness
  • The descent to the archaic
  • Synchronicity: reconnecting with the archaic

Chapter 6: Time and spatial metaphors

  • Jung’s search for meaning: beyond space-time duality
  • Concluding remarks
  • Time and synchronicity: manifesting meaning
  • The ripe time for knowledge
  • Death and time: embodied and disembodied time
  • Symbols, spatial metaphors and the poetry of time
  • Appendix: Freud on memory, the primal scene and the concept of Nachträglichkeit

See the author’s website

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