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12/03/2015 Comments (0) Views: 53465 Books

A Guided Tour of the Collected Works of C. G. Jung – Robert H. Hopcke

Hardcover: 194 pages
Publisher: Shambhala; 1st edition (April 8, 1989)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0877734704
ISBN-13: 978-0877734703
Avialable also as Amazon, Google, Apple and Nook ebook.

The writings of C. G. Jung himself are the best place to read about all his main ideas—but where to start, when Jung’s  Collected Works run to more than eighteen volumes? Robert H. Hopcke’s guide to Jung’s voluminous writings shows exactly the best place to begin for getting a handle on each of Jung’s key concepts and ideas—from archetypal symbols to analytical psychology to UFOs. Each chapter explains one of Jung’s principal concerns, then directs the reader where to read about it in depth in the  Collected Works.

Each chapter includes a list of secondary sources to approach for further study—which the author has updated for this edition to include books published in the ten years since the  Guided Tour’s first appearance.


„The best single introduction to Jung that I have seen.”—Paul Roazen, author of  Encountering Freud: the Politics and Histories of Psychoanalysis.


See at Shambhala publisher website


 Robert H. Hopcke

Robert H. Hopcke is a licensed marriage and family therapist with degrees in both pastoral and clinical counseling. He is the author of numerous books, including There Are No Accidents and Living the Mysteries: The Spiritual Power of the Rosary in the Lives of Contemporary People.

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